Media (Marketing, Branding, Communications and PR agencies)

Media firms develop their sustainability metrics to win blue-chip clients and attract better talent.

Media agencies today must not only shape communication strategies for brands aiming to position themselves as more sustainable but also align with the expectations of their clients and employees.

Network effects
Clients engage with media agencies to attract environmentally conscious consumers who are interested in greener products and services. Therefore, communication teams need a strong understanding of carbon emissions and the importance of climate action to effectively convey this to their clients. Agencies that report their emissions can lead by example, showcasing their commitment to sustainability.

Client Acquisition
Blue-chip clients often require media firms to report their emissions through frameworks like the Carbon Disclosure Project or EcoVadis. This necessitates that agencies measure their carbon emissions and outline their reduction strategies to meet client requirements. Failing to do so could risk losing valuable accounts.

Employees are increasingly looking to work for companies that are both employee-owned and committed to sustainability. Talent is migrating towards firms whose values align with their own, and the ability to demonstrate credentials like a B-Corp certification or a 1% for the Planet commitment makes companies more appealing to job seekers. This is particularly relevant for media agencies, as creative professionals such as writers, producers, and designers prefer to work with businesses that are dedicated to green practices.

Case Study: Big Group

Big Group is an employee-led, sustainability-minded business. They report their carbon emissions to attract top talent and secure key accounts.

The Challenge

Big Group faced the challenging task of balancing the demand for sustainable business, with the risk of greenwashing. They needed help to navigate this tricky balance and to communicate their findings. They needed to:

  • Meet the growing client demand for sustainable communication services and reporting.
  • Demonstrate a commitment to environmental responsibility in a world where consumerism dominates.
  • Attract and retain talent who value sustainability and social impact.
  • Reduce their operational costs and improve efficiency through sustainable business practices.
The Solution

Collaborating with Alectro enabled Big Group to accomplish the following:

  • Expedited measurement of its carbon emissions profile, effectively identifying emission hotspots and areas with significant environmental impact.
  • Gained insight into the suppliers' contributions and implemented strategies to align the supply chain with net-zero aspirations.
  • Fostered employee engagement throughout the sustainability journey, taking their valuable feedback into account to drive continuous improvements in the future.
  • Identified events that had proportionally large emissions attached to them.
  • Align themselves with the carbon disclosure project to ensure the keep up to date with their FTSE100 accounts

They are able to dynamically track their emissions moving forward to ensure that they meet their net zero goals.

The Impact

After working with Alectro, they were able to:

  • Enhances brand reputation and attracts blue-chip clients by demonstrating sustainability leadership.
  • Fulfills client requirements, reducing the risk of losing valuable accounts.
  • Attracts and retains top talent by aligning with their sustainability values.
  • Identifies cost-saving opportunities through reduced energy consumption and improved efficiency.

You can download the full case study here.

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